Copyright IBM Corp. 1996 Acronyms and Abbreviations X–1
ac alternating current
ADB Apple Desktop Bus
AIX Advanced Interactive Executive
ANSI American National Standards Institute
APC automatic photoemission control
C centigrade
CCITT Comité Consultatif International
Télégraphique et Téléphonique
CCW channel command word
CD-ROM compact disk read-only memory
CE customer engineer
CPU central processing unit
CRC cyclical redundancy check
CRD color-rendering dictionary
CRT cathode-ray tube
CRU customer replaceable unit
dB decibel
dc direct current
DEV developer
dpi dots per inch
DRAM dynamic random access memory
DTP desktop publishing
EBCDIC extended binary-coded decimal
interchange code
EC engineering change
EEPROM electronically erasable programmable
read-only memory
EPROM erasable programmable read-only
ERP error recovery procedure
F Fahrenheit
FIFO first in first out
FM fan
FRU field-replaceable unit
GDI graphics device interface
GND ground
GUI graphical user interface
H fuser heater
HVT high-voltage transformer
Hz herz
IC integrated circuit
I/O input/output
ipm impressions per minute
IPX Internet package exchange
IPX/SPX Internet packet exchange/sequenced
packet exchange
ISO International Organization for
JIS Japanese Industry Standard
KB kilobyte
kg kilogram
laser light amplification by stimulated
emission of radiation
LED light-emitting diode
LGL legal
lpi lines per inch
LPR local printer
LPT local port
MB megabyte
mm millimeter
OHP overhead projection
OPC organic photoconductor
PC personal computer, photoconductor
PCB printed circuit board
PDF printer description file
PEL pixel
pixel picture element
POST power-on self-test
ppi pixels per inch
ppm pages per minute
RAM random access memory
RH relative humidity
RIP raster-image processor
RISC reduced instruction set computer
ROM read-only memory
Acronyms and Abbreviations