Table 19. Configuration Parameter List - Port Definition
Parameter Information
Maximum BTU size
Valid Values
768 to 1496 bytes for Ethernet
768 to 17745 bytes for token-ring
768 to 4096 bytes for ATM
768 to 4096 bytes for IP
768 to 8136 bytes for Frame Relay
768 to 8132 bytes for frame relay over ISDN and V.25bis
768 to 4086 bytes for PPP
768 to 4082 bytes for PPP over ISDN and V.25bis
X.25 will take value from network level
768 to 2048 bytes for all other ports
Default Value
1289 bytes for Ethernet
2048 bytes for token-ring
2048 for ATM
1469 bytes for IP
2048 bytes for frame relay or PPP
2044 bytes for frame relay or PPP over ISDN and V.25bis
2048 bytes for SDLC
X.25 will take value from network level
This parameter specifies the number of bytes in the largest basic transmission unit
(BTU) that can be processed (transmitted or received) by a link station defined on this
Note: If a negotiable BIND with an RU size greater than 2048 is received, the device
will normally choose a maximum RU size of 2048. If a non-negotiable BIND with an RU
size greater than 2048 is received, the device will support the larger RU size up to a
maximum size of 4096.
APPN Configuration Commands
Chapter 2. Configuring and Monitoring APPN 135