Enables checksumming on packets that the specified interface generates.
Example: enable checksumming 0
Enables the VINES protocol on the specified interface.
Example: enable interface 1
vines Globally enables the VINES protocol. If you receive an error message after
entering this command, contact your customer service representative. The
VINES software may not be in your software load.
Example: enable vines
Use the list command to display the current VINES configuration.
Example: list
VINES: enabled/disabled
VINES network number (hex):
Maximum Number of Routing Table Entries:
Maximum Number of Neighbor Service Nodes:
Maximum Number of Neighbor Client Nodes:
List of interfaces configured for VINES:
intf 0 (checksumming enabled/disabled)
intf 1 (checksumming enabled/disabled)
intf 2 (checksumming enabled/disabled)
VINES X.25 Configuration
Interface Remote X.25 Address Remote Handle
0 4508907898 test
VINES config>
VINES Indicates whether VINES is globally enabled or disabled.
VINES network number (hex)
A configurable 32-bit hexadecimal address for routers in the VINES
Maximum Number of Routing Table entries
A configured value specifying the maximum number of entries allowed in
the VINES routing table.
Maximum Number of Neighbor Service Nodes
A configured value specifying the maximum number of neighbor service
nodes connected to the router.
Maximum Number of Neighbor Client Nodes
A configured value specifying the maximum number of client nodes
connected to the router.
List of interfaces configured for VINES
Displays the interfaces that have VINES enabled and whether
checksumming is enabled or disabled.
VINES Configuration Commands (Talk 6)
Chapter 6. Configuring and Monitoring VINES 243