designated as seed routers. Seed routers are configured with the network range
and zone list while all other routers are given null values. Null values indicate
that the router should query the network for values from the seed routers. For
every network (segment) of your interconnected AppleTalk internet, at least one
router interface must be configured as the seed router for that network. There are
usually several seed routers on a network in case one of them fails. Also, a
router can be a seed router for some or all of its network interfaces. Use the set
net-range command to assign the network range in seed routers.
v Set the Starting Node Number - Use the set node command to assign the
starting node number for the router. The router will AARP for this node, but if it is
already in use, a new node will be chosen.
v Add a Zone Name - You can add one or more zone names for each network in
the internetwork. You can add a zone name for a given network in any router
connected to that network; however, only the seed router needs to contain the
zone name information for a connected network. Attached routers dynamically
acquire the zone name from adjacent routers using the ZIP protocol. Apple
recommends that, for a given network, you choose the same seed router for the
network number and the zone name. The zone name cannot be configured for a
network unless the network number is also configured. To add a zone name for
each network number, use the AppleTalk Phase 2 configuration add zone
AppleTalk over PPP
There are two modes for AppleTalk over PPP, full-router and half-router. In
full-router mode, the point-to-point network is visible to other AppleTalk routers. In
half-router mode, the point-to-point network is invisible to other routers, but it still
transmits AppleTalk routing information and data packets.
To set up your network for full-router mode, give each router on the PPP link a
common network number, a common zone name, and a unique node number. If
you configure one end of the PPP link with a non-zero network number, you must
also configure that end to have a non-zero node number and to have a zone name.
In this case, the other end of the link must have either:
v The same network number and zone name and a different node number.
v Network and node numbers set to zero. The router will learn network and node
numbers from the configured router.
To set up your network for half-router mode, configure both routers on the PPP link
so that network and node numbers are set to zero and no zone name is used.
AppleTalk 2 Zone Filters
ZoneName filtering, although not required for AppleTalk, is a very desirable feature
for the security and administration of large AppleTalk Internetworks. There are also
provisions for restricting access to networks by net numbers.
General Information
AppleTalk is structured so that every network is identified in two ways. The first is a
network number or range of consecutive network numbers that must be unique
throughout the internet. The network number combined with the node number
uniquely identifies any end station in the internet.
Using AppleTalk Phase 2
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2