Ifc 1 WAN Frame Relay 1 CSR 81620, CSR2 80D00, vector 93
Ifc 2 WAN PPP CSR 81640, CSR2 80E00, vector 92
Ifc 3 ISDN Basic CSR 0, vector 0
Ifc 4 PPP Dial Circuit 2 CSR 0, vector 0
Ifc 5 PPP Dial Circuit CSR 0, vector 0
Ifc 6 Frame Relay Dial Circuit CSR 0, vector 0
* Ifc 4 is the ALTERNATE with Ifc 1 configured as PRIMARY.
* Note that interface 4 should be 'Disabled' here.
* Wan Reroute function will 'Enable' it when the
* Primary fails
* NN6 (2210-06) is going the be the destination of the Wan Reroute
Circuit configuration
FR Config>li
Base net = 3
Destination name = 2210-06 3
Circuit priority = 8
Destination address: subaddress = 99199991201:
Outbound calls = allowed
Idle timer = 0 (fixed circuit)
SelfTest Delay Timer = 150 ms
**** Configure the Wan Reroute Primary and Alternate circuit
Config>fea wan 4
WAN Restoral user configuration
WRS Config>en wrs
WRS Config>add alt
Alternate interface number [0 ] ? 4 2
Primary interface number [0 ] ? 1 1
WRS Config>li all
WAN Restoral is enabled.
Default Stabilization Time: 0 seconds
Default First Stabilization Time: 0 seconds
[No Primary-Secondary pairs defined ]
Alt. 1st Subseq TOD Revert Back
Primary Interface Alternate Interface Enabled Stab Stab Start Stop
----------------- ---------------------- ------- ---- ---- ------- -------
1 - WAN Frame Re 4 - PPP Dial Circuit No dflt dflt Not Set Not Set
**** Set Default and first stabilization times
WRS Config>set default firs 30
WRS Config>set def stab 10
WRS Config>li all
WAN Restoral is enabled.
Default Stabilization Time: 10 seconds
Default First Stabilization Time: 30 seconds
[No Primary-Secondary pairs defined ]
Alt. 1st Subseq TOD Revert Back
Chapter 1. APPN 55