Writing your own terminal error program
You can write your own terminal error program in any of the languages supported
by CICS. However, CICS-supplied code is provided in assembler language only.
The names of the supplied source files and macros, and the libraries in which they
can be found, are listed in Table 24.
Table 24. Supplied source files and macros
Name Type Description Library
DFHXTEP Source Sample terminal error
program (assembler
DFHXTEPT CSECT Sample terminal error
tables (assembler
DFHTEPM Macro Sample TEP program
generator (assembler
DFHTEPT Macro TEP table generator
(assembler language)
DFHTEPCA Macro Assembler-language
communication area
The user-written DFHTEP receives control in the same manner as the
CICS-supplied sample DFHTEP, described in “The communication area” on page
451. It should therefore use the communication area as its basic interface with
Why write your own terminal error program?
v There are some situations in which CICS may try to send a message to an
input-only terminal; for example, an ‘invalid transaction ID’ message, or a
message wrongly sent by an application program. You should provide a terminal
error program to reroute these messages to a system destination such as CSMT
or CSTL or other destinations, by means of transient data or interval control
v There could be application-related activity to be carried out when a terminal error
occurs. For example, if a message is not delivered to a terminal because of an
error condition, it may be necessary to notify applications that the message
needs to be redirected.
v Not all errors represent communication-system failures - for example, SAM
end-of-data conditions.
Restrictions on the use of EXEC CICS commands
There are certain restrictions on the commands that a TEP can issue. The use of
any commands that require a principal facility causes unpredictable results,
and should be avoided. In particular, you should not use commands that invoke
the following functions:
v Terminal control (“CEMT-type” commands, such as EXEC CICS INQUIRE
TERMINAL, are permissible)
v BMS (except routing)
v ISC communication (including function shipping).
470 Customization Guide