Storage keys for PLT programs .................430
Part 3. Customizing with user-replaceable programs .............433
Chapter 5. General notes about user-replaceable programs ......435
Rewriting user-replaceable programs ................435
Assembling and link-editing user-replaceable programs .........436
User-replaceable programs and the storage protection facility .......437
Execution key for user-replaceable programs ............437
Data storage key for user-replaceable programs ...........438
Chapter 6. Writing a program error program ............439
The sample program error programs ................443
Chapter 7. Writing a transaction restart program ...........445
The DFHREST communications area ................446
The CICS-supplied transaction restart program ............447
Chapter 8. Writing a terminal error program.............449
Background to error handling for sequential devices...........449
When an abnormal condition occurs ...............449
Terminal control program....................450
Terminal abnormal condition program ...............450
Terminal error program ....................450
The communication area ....................451
Terminal abnormal condition line entry (TACLE) ...........451
The sample terminal error program .................451
Components of the sample terminal error program ..........451
Structure of the sample terminal error program............453
Sample terminal error program messages .............456
Generating the sample terminal error program ............458
Writing your own terminal error program ...............470
Why write your own terminal error program? ............470
Restrictions on the use of EXEC CICS commands ..........470
Addressing the contents of the communication area ..........471
Addressing the contents of the TACLE...............473
Example of a user-written terminal error program ...........475
Chapter 9. Writing a node error program ..............479
Background to CICS-VTAM error handling ..............480
Why use a NEP to supplement CICS default actions? .........480
An overview of writing a NEP ..................481
The default NEP .......................482
The sample NEP.......................482
Multiple NEPs ........................485
When an abnormal condition occurs ................486
The communication area ....................487
The sample node error program ..................496
Compatibility with the sample terminal error program .........496
Components of the sample node error program ...........496
Generating the sample node error program .............499
Writing your own node error program ................505
Restrictions on the use of EXEC CICS commands ..........505
Entry and addressability ....................506
Coding for the 3270 ‘unavailable printer’ condition ..........506
Coding for session failures ...................507
Contents vii