
8 Terminate the transaction with either a message or an abend.
Whenever the routing program is invoked, DYRRETC is set to ‘0’. When it
is invoked for route selection or because an error occurs in route selection,
if you want CICS to continue processing the transaction, you must leave it
set to ‘0’.
To make CICS terminate the transaction (issuing a message or abend),
return a value of ‘8’.
To make CICS terminate the transaction without issuing a message or
abend (indicating that DFHDYP has done all the processing that is
necessary), return a value of ‘4’.
1. Setting a return code of ‘4’ for APPC transaction routing leads to
unpredictable results, and should be avoided.
2. Setting any non-zero return code other than X'4' is equivalent to
setting X'8'.
Program-link requests
The possible values are:
0 Continue processing the link request.
Return an error condition to the program.
Whenever the routing program is invoked, DYRRETC is set to ‘0’. When it
is invoked for route selection or because an error occurs in route selection,
if you want CICS to continue processing the link request, you must leave it
set to ‘0’.
To make CICS reject the link request, return a non-zero value. The program
that issued the EXEC CICS LINK command receives a PGMIDERR
condition, with a RESP2 value of 27.
bridge requests
The possible values are:
0 Continue processing the request.
4 Terminate processing the request without issuing any error
8 Terminate processing the request with an error message.
Whenever the routing program is invoked, DYRRETC is set to ‘0’. When it
is invoked for route selection or because an error occurs in route selection,
if you want CICS to continue processing the link request, you must leave it
set to ‘0’.
To make CICS terminate the request without issuing a message return a
value of 4. The BRIH returned to the client contains a return code informing
the client that the dynamic routing program has rejected the request, and a
compcode that gives details of the reason the last attempt to route the
request failed.
To make CICS terminate the request (issuing a message) return a value of
8. The BRIH returned to the client contains a return code informing the
Chapter 17. Writing a dynamic routing program 617