Chapter 23. Writing a distinguished name program for clients
of enterprise beans
Considerations common to all user-replaceable programs
Note that the comments contained in Chapter 5, “General notes about
user-replaceable programs,” on page 435 apply to this chapter.
Use the distinguished name user-replaceable program, DFHEJDNX, to supply the
distinguished name of a client of an enterprise bean, when the client has not
presented an X.509 certificate containing a name.
DFHEJDNX is invoked when an IIOP client which doesn’t have a secure sockets
layer (SSL) X.509 certificate issues a getname call. DFHEJDNX returns a string
representation of the distinguished name.
CICS supplies a sample version of DFHEJDNX, which you can use as the basis of
your own customized program. Your customized program must also be called
On invocation, CICS passes DFHEJDNX the following parameters in a
communications area:
A binary halfword containing the length of this parameter list.
A 14-byte character string containing an “eyecatcher”
('>DFHEJDNX_PARM') to identify this parameter list in dumps and traces.
A binary halfword containing the version number of this parameter list. For
CICS TS for z/OS, Version 3.2, the version number is zero.
A binary halfword reserved for indicator flags. Currently, no indicator flags
are defined.
A pointer to a 512-character work area in which DFHEJDNX can build the
distinguished name to be assigned to the client.
The distinguished name returned by DFHEJDNX must be an EBCDIC
null-delimited character string in the format proposed by RFC 2253,
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol: UTF-8 String Representation of
Distinguished Names. It must be encoded in EBCDIC code page 1047.
A binary fullword that, on input, contains the length of the workarea pointed
to by ejdn_distinguished_name_ptr. Before returning, DFHEJDNX must
place in this field the length of the distinguished name it has built.
A pointer to the client’s userid.
A binary fullword containing the length of the client’s userid.
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