The DEFINE_PROGRAM call ..................353
The ACQUIRE_PROGRAM call .................356
The RELEASE_PROGRAM call .................358
The DELETE_PROGRAM call ..................359
Log manager XPI functions ....................360
The INQUIRE_PARAMETERS call ................360
The SET_PARAMETERS call ..................361
Monitoring XPI functions .....................361
The MONITOR call ......................362
The INQUIRE_MONITORING_DATA call ..............364
Program management XPI functions ................366
The INQUIRE_PROGRAM call .................366
The INQUIRE_CURRENT_PROGRAM call .............373
The SET_PROGRAM call ...................375
The START_BROWSE_PROGRAM call ..............379
The GET_NEXT_PROGRAM call.................380
The END_BROWSE_PROGRAM call ...............381
The INQUIRE_AUTOINSTALL call ................382
The SET_AUTOINSTALL call ..................382
State data access XPI functions ..................384
The INQ_APPLICATION_DATA call ................384
The INQUIRE_SYSTEM call ..................386
The SET_SYSTEM call ....................391
Storage control XPI functions ...................392
The GETMAIN call ......................392
The FREEMAIN call .....................395
The INQUIRE_ACCESS call ..................395
The INQUIRE_ELEMENT_LENGTH call ..............396
The INQUIRE_SHORT_ON_STORAGE call.............397
The INQUIRE_TASK_STORAGE call ...............398
The SWITCH_SUBSPACE call .................399
Trace control XPI function ....................399
The TRACE_PUT call .....................400
Transaction management XPI functions ...............401
The INQUIRE_CONTEXT call ..................401
The INQUIRE_DTRTRAN call ..................403
The INQUIRE_MXT call ....................403
The INQUIRE_TCLASS call...................405
The INQUIRE_TRANDEF call ..................406
The INQUIRE_TRANSACTION call ................414
The SET_TRANSACTION call..................418
User journaling XPI function ...................419
The WRITE_JOURNAL_DATA call ................419
Part 2. Customizing with initialization and shutdown programs ........423
Chapter 4. Writing initialization and shutdown programs........425
Writing initialization programs ...................425
First-phase PLT programs ...................425
Second phase PLT programs ..................426
Effect of delayed recovery on PLTPI processing ...........427
Writing shutdown programs ....................428
First phase PLT programs ...................428
PLT programs for the second quiesce stage.............428
The shutdown assist utility program, DFHCESD ...........429
General considerations when writing initialization and shutdown programs 429
vi Customization Guide