Table 2. Alphabetical list of global user exit points (continued)
Exit name Module or domain Where or when invoked Topic
XPCABND Program control
After a transaction abend and before a dump call is
on page 192
XPCERES Before CICS processes a program link or Link3270
bridge request that has been dynamically routed to
this region, where the routing region supports the
“resource unavailable” (RESUNAVAIL) condition.
on page 178
XPCFTCH Before an application program is given control. “Exit XPCFTCH”
on page 186
XPCHAIR Before a HANDLE ABEND routine is given control. “Exit XPCHAIR”
on page 188
XPCREQ Before a program link request is processed. “Exit XPCREQ” on
page 177
XPCREQC After a program link request has been completed. “Exit XPCREQC”
on page 179
XPCTA After an abend occurs, and before the environment
is modified.
“Exit XPCTA” on
page 190
XRCINIT User log record
recovery program
During warm and emergency restart, if user
recovery log records are detected in the CICS
system log.
“Exit XRCINIT” on
page 246
XRCINPT During warm and emergency restart, for each user
recovery log record found in the CICS system log.
on page 246
XRMIIN Resource manager
interface program
Before execution of an EXEC DLI, EXEC SQL, or
RMI command.
“Exit XRMIIN” on
page 193
XRMIOUT After execution of an EXEC DLI, EXEC SQL, or
RMI command.
“Exit XRMIIN” on
page 193
XRSINDI Resource management
Immediately after a successful install or discard of
a resource.
install and discard
exit XRSINDI” on
page 195
XSNEX Security manager
Restore old CICS signon and signoff behavior
(pre-CICS TS 2.1)
“Exit XSNEX” on
page 201
XSNOFF After a terminal user signs off. “Exit XSNOFF” on
page 200
XSNON After a terminal user signs on. “Exit XSNON” on
page 199
XSTERM System termination
During a normal system shutdown, immediately
before TD buffers are cleared.
“Exit XSTERM” on
page 206
XSTOUT Statistics domain Before a statistics record is written to SMF. “Exit XSTOUT” on
page 202
Chapter 1. Global user exit programs 29