PSERVIC screen size values for LUTYPEx devices
Table 51 is to help you decide what screen size values you should specify on the
PSERVIC operand of the VTAM MODEENT macro, for LUTYPE0, LUTYPE2, and
LUTYPE3 devices.
If, on your CICS TYPETERM definition, you code the values shown in columns 1
through 4 of Table 51, the screen size values in the CICS model bind image are as
shown in column 5. The values you code for screen sizes on the PSERVIC operand
must match this.
Table 51. Autoinstall model device definition options
0,2,3 00,00 ? ? INVALID
0,2,3 12,40 , ? 0000000001
0,2,3 12,40 00,00 ? 0C2800007E
0,2,3 12,40 YY,YY ? 0C28YYYY7F
0,2,3 24,80 , NO 0000000002
3 24,80 , COLD/ALL 0000000002
0,2 24,80 , COLD/ALL 0000000003
0,2,3 24,80 00,00 ? 185000007E
0,2,3 24,80 YY,YY ? 1850YYYY7F
0,2,3 XX,XX , ? XXXX00007E
0,2,3 XX,XX 00,00 ? XXXX00007E
0 indicates local non-SNA 3270
2 indicates LUTYPE2
3 indicates LUTYPE3
, indicates the default
XX,XX indicates a screen size that is not 12,40 or 24,80
YY,YY indicates a screen size that is not 00,00 or blanks
? means any (that is, QUERY=ALL|COLD|NO, and ALTSCRN=any)
CICS treats some differently-coded PSERVIC screen size specifications as
equivalent. See Table 52.
Table 52. Equivalent PSERVIC screen size values
Bytes 20—24 of CICS model bind Valid screen size values on PSERVIC
0000 0000 01 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 01 0C28 0000 7E
0000 0000 02 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 02 1850 0000 7E
0000 0000 03 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 03 1850 0000 03
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