
distributed program link (DPL) (continued)
dynamic routing of requests (continued)
eligibility for routing 597
error handling 600
terminating a request 600
when the routing program is invoked 598
distributed routing
of BTS activities
changing the target region 627
eligibility for routing 625
error handling 628
running the activity locally 627
when the routing program is invoked 626
of inbound Web service requests
changing the target region 643
eligibility for routing 641
error handling 644
running the transaction locally 643
when the routing program is invoked 642
of method requests for CORBA stateless objects
changing the target region 633
eligibility for routing 629
error handling 634
running the method locally 634
when the routing program is invoked 632
of method requests for enterprise beans
changing the target region 633
eligibility for routing 629
error handling 634
running the method locally 634
when the routing program is invoked 632
of non-terminal-related START requests
changing the target region 639
eligibility for routing 637
error handling 640
running the transaction locally 639
when the routing program is invoked 638
overview 623
sample programs 657
the user program
error handling procedure 628, 634, 640, 644
naming of 656
parameters 645
when invoked 626, 632, 638, 642
distributed routing of BTS activities
eligibility for routing 625
distributed routing of method requests for enterprise
eligibility for routing 629
distributed routing program (DFHDSRP)
changing the target region 627, 633, 639, 643
communications area 645
error handling 628, 634, 640, 644
invoking on abend 628, 635, 641, 644
processing considerations 645
renaming customized version 656
routing a BTS activity 627
routing a method request for an enterprise
bean 634
routing a method request for for a CORBA stateless
object 634
distributed routing program (DFHDSRP) (continued)
routing inbound Web service requests 643
routing non-terminal-related START requests 639
sample program 657
when invoked 626, 632, 638, 642
distributed routing program, DFHDSRP
differences from dynamic routing program 624
overview 623
DSECTPR operand
DSRTPGM, system initialization parameter 656
DTRPGM, system initialization parameter 621
DTRTRAN, system initialization parameter 592
dump control functions of the XPI 345
dynamic allocation sample program (DYNALLOC)
flow of control 784
help feature 782
introduction 781
keywords, abbreviation rules 784
system programming considerations 784
terminal operation 782
values 783
DYNAMIC option 590
dynamic routing
of bridge requests
changing parameters 604
eligibility for routing 603
error handling 605
re-invoking 606
terminating a request 605
of program-link requests
changing the program name 599
changing the target region 599
eligibility for routing 597
error handling 600
terminating a request 600
when the routing program is invoked 598
of transactions
changing the program name 593
changing the target region 592
error handling 594
information passed to routing program 591
overview 590
resource definition 590
terminating a transaction 593
the user program 590
overview 589
sample programs 622
the user program
error handling procedure 594, 600
naming of 621
parameters 607
testing of 621
when invoked 590, 598
dynamic routing of bridge requests
eligibility for routing 603
dynamic routing of DPL requests
eligibility for routing 597
when the routing program is invoked 598
dynamic routing program (DFHDYP)
bridge considerations 606
908 Customization Guide