110 User’s Manual for InterForm400
Design InterForm 400 overlay APF300D
Overlay name: SUB1 Overlay text:
Seqnbr. Type Overlay definition
Seqnbr. Type
1,0 9 Remap window Input line __1 - __1 Position _10 - _14
Print: From upper edge ______ Line spacing . . _40
From left edge _2,000 Ignore blank lines N (Y N)
Adjustment L (U L R C N B E +)
Rotation 000
Font 1653 F4=List
Blank original B B = blank original version
Condition: Position ___ - ___
Is > = < N _ ________________________
F11=Delete Blank after _ B = Blank condition after
The first data delivered from our If..then line in the main overlay will be:
line 1 ITEM Fish:
line 2 Shark
line 3 Flounder
line 4 Herring
line 5 Salmon
line 6
line 7
Originally the line interval for this item group were 5-11, but the sub-overlay sees the lines
as a spool entry consisting of the lines beginning with the first line that meets the
conditions of the If..then line, until the last line before the condition is true again (“ITEM
Pets” in line 8).
The text “ITEM” is therefore found in line 1 position 10-14, and we just position this text,
as we normally do with a remap line. The main overlay defines that the item group should
be placed relative (vertical) to where the text “ITEM” was found in the data stream, and we
therefore define 0 as the upper edge.
We select font 1653, which is a 16 point Times Roman.