208 User’s Manual for InterForm400
All the autonumerators change for each new PDF file. Except *TASKKEY and *KEY.
Normally you would create a new PDF file for each new key, but not necessarily.
Date: Inserts the current date. It can be the: 1=System date,
2=Job date (the date of the AFC job) or the 3=Spoolfile
creation date. Many different formats (without
delimiters) are supported.
Time: Inserts the current time. It can be either: 1=System or
2=Spool creation time.
System environment info: At the moment only '1=System name' can be selected.
User exit: Select this possibility and you will see this:
User exit program . . . . __________ Name, *NONE
User exit program . . . . __________ Library, *LIBL
Exit fields variables
Parm 1 - 5 . . . . . . . _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ *KEY1-3, *VA-9
Parm 6 - 10 . . . . . . _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
So with this option you can call your own program to
insert a value in a variable e.g. found by using other
variables. You can only use variables with names, that
are lower e.g. *V2 can be calculated with the values from
*VA-*VZ and *V1.
For a demo source of a user exit program look in source file APF3812/APISRC in
member PNMEXIT. The program will be called with &Entrystep = *VAR. You return the
value for the variable in &Rtnparm1.
The same exit program can be called several times from different places in the PDF
File naming finishing definition. The field &Entrystep indicates from where it is called.