138 User’s Manual for InterForm400
Template AFC-definition to be executed after this definition
Output Queue/
Library: If these options are filled in, the same spool entry will be processed
by the AFC definitions defined for the output queue stated here.
This is done immediately after the processing of this set of AFC
definitions, as if the other queues AFC definitions were placed in
direct extension to these queues definitions.
Note that if the AFC definition 9=Exit is executed in the original
queue, the spool file will not be processed by the AFC definitions
for the queue stated here.
This option is especially relevant when several printers should
have the same AFC definition. A Template AFC definition can be
made, which then can be referred to from other AFC defintions.
Additional parameters
Job name: The name of the job handling this output queue. The job will run in
the subsystem AUTO_FORM. *OUTQ means, that the job will be
named the same as the output queue.
Job description: The job description to use for this job. *DEFAULT refers to job
description APF3812/AUTO_FORM.
Library list option: Specifies the initial library list of the AFC job. Possible values are:
Separator Drawer: Default drawer to select for separator pages. A separator page can
be printed as a front page of each merged spool file. The separator
page has to be requested for each merge. The separator page
contains the following information:
Output from InterForm400 merge
Overlay name . . . . : IF400DEMO
File set . . . . . : SAMPLE
Primary / secondary . : *PRI
Copies . . . . . . . : 001
Input spooled file:
*.Jobname . . . . . . : QPADEV0002
*.Userprofile . . . . : KSE
*.Jobnumber . . . . . : 092247
*.Date . . . . . . . : 2001-04-25
*.Time . . . . . . . : 02:40:15
*.Filename . . . . . : QPRINT
*.Filenumber . . . . : 0004
*.Number of pages . . : 0000007
Kim Egekjaer
AFC Definition Entries
The AFC function screen gives the possibility of entering sequence lines which will all be
executed for each spool entry getting RDY in the input queue for the AFC definition.