User’s Manual for InterForm400® 207
Create Variable Definition PNM325D
Definition name . . . . : DEMO_MAN
Description . . . . . . : Demo for manual
Type choices and then press Enter. Press F3 or F12 to exit.
Variable . . . . . . . . . *VA *VA-*VZ, *V1-*V9
Description . . . . . . . Customer Name
Max. outputlength . . . . 30 1 - 40
Variable type . . . . . . 1 1=Spooled printinfo
2=Spoolfile attribute
3=Auto numerator
6=System environment info
7=User exit
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
The variable can by of various types:
Spooled print info: Contains information from the contents of the spooled
file. Refers to text in a certain line and interval of
positions. Size can be up to 40 characters.
Spoolfile attribute: Can be any of these values: 1=Unique spoolID (40),
2=Spoolname, 3=Spoolno, 4=Jobname, 5=Owner,
6=Jobno, 7=Formtype, 8=Userdata, 9=Programm name,
A=Program library
Auto numerator: A counter, that increases each time a certain break
occours. You can state:
The number of digits to use.
If it should be fixed in length (*FIXED) or if preceding
blank signs should be removed (*TRIM).
What to do if counter value exceeds the highest value
allowed: 1=Wrap means start from the initial value again
and 2=Error means, that the AFC job will halt with an
The increment value for the numerator.
The level of the numerator: *SYS, *TASK, *SPOOL,
*SYS One common numerator for InterForm400.
*TASK A numerator for this finishing definition.
*SPOOL It is reset for each new incoming spooled file.
*TASKKEY A numerator within this task / finishing definition, that
increases each time the key(s) change.
*KEY Like *TASKKEY except this works across tasks /
finishing definitions.