User’s Manual for InterForm400® 187
Create Finish Definition PRS310D
Definition name . . . . . : PFEDEF1
Description . . . . . . . : Finish definition for PFE Mail Printer
Type of Finishing . . . . : 04 PFE Mail-Printer
Envelope type . . . . . . : 2 Printed envelope
Overlay for envelope
Overlay name . . . . . ________
File set . . . . . . ________
or selector . . . . . ________
Primary / secondary . ________ *PRI *SEC
Overlay for contents
Overlay name . . . . . ________
File set . . . . . . ________
or selector . . . . . ________
Primary / secondary . ________ *PRI *SEC
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel
Overlay or Overlay Selector for envelope will only appear, if we have selected 2.
Printed envelope. This overlay could contain logo, sender address and a franking mark.
The definition for placing the Recipient name and address on the printed envelope, should
also be defined in the envelope overlay. The envelope overlay MUST be in the same file
set as the overlay for the contents.
Overlay or Overlay Selector for contents should be filled in as per the requirement.
Note if Copy Management is defined in the overlay for the contents, this will also be
handled by InterForm400
. The overlay for the contents MUST be in the same file set as
the overlay for the Envelope.
When defining a 1. Merge with overlay in the Sub-system AutoForms Control following a
Finishing definition, the overlay name that should be referred to is the overlay for the
contents defined above and NOT for the envelope.
Defining Print Order of Sorted Groups
Enter Menu point 4. Finishing Definitions in the Auto Forms Control menu. Press F6 to
create a new Finishing definition and select 01 to make it valid for the MailPrinter.
Update Finish Definition PRS310D
Definition name . . . . . : PFEDEF1
Description . . . . . . . : Finishing Definition for PFE MailPrinter
Type of Finishing . . . . : 04 PFE Mail-Printer
Envelope type . . . . . . : 2 Printed envelope
Seal envelope . . . . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Pages per envelope group-1 . _
Enclosure group-1 . . . . . _
Pages per envelope group-2 . _
Enclosure group-2 . . . . . _
Pages per envelope group-3 . _
Enclosure group-3 . . . . . _
Pages per envelope group-4 . _
Enclosure group-4 . . . . . _
Pages per envelope group-5 . _
Enclosure group-5 . . . . . _