60 User’s Manual for InterForm400
Black Ink Slash (/) Ink (0) Ink followed
by Ink(/) / Ink(!)
(0) Ink
You can also insert an image as a watermark, if you change the ink to be shading . Note
however, that you cannot use Ink to change PCL files into watermarks.
Printing: When working in a file-set defined for color printing the INK settings will
have additional options, as per below.
Seqnbr. Type
2.0 7 Ink
Select ink for the succeeding lines
Pattern, B/W-prt _ blank = unchanged,
0 = 100% white shading,
1-8 = 1-100% shading, ...
Pattern, color-prt 8 (See above)
Color __3 1=Black, 2=Grey, 3=Red, ..
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F11=Delete F12=Cancel
F13=Set view/print parameters F14=PCL-view
This enables printing of spool data, text constants, lines and frames in color on PCL
compatible color laser printers.
Remember to select a color printer when printing to a PCL compatible color laser printer
(HP5C, HP4500, HP4500D)
Ink commands in main overlays will have not effect in conditioned suboverlays called
by If..Then.