User’s Manual for InterForm400® 63
If two or more overlapping tabulators are defined the first defined will take the text it
needs and leave blank positions in the relevant place for the next tabulator. A maximum
of 200 tabulators per overlay can be defined.
You can use a tabulator (left or unadjusted) to delete areas of text. Just tabulate the
area over the edge of the paper (e.g. 14"). This will not produce unnecessary code in the
data stream. InterForm400
detects if the code is defined to be printed outside the
printable area, and will then just ignore it. In case you have made many re-mappings you
can define a tabulator as the last sequence line which takes an area from line 1 to 72
and position 1 to 132, and move it outside the page, thereby deleting any remaining
Extended Adjustment (+) does not support fixed width fonts e.g. Courier.
You can align numbers, where some are negative by use of numeric adjustment (N).
See below.
Input data is formatted for fixed pitch font tabulation
0 1 2
1 MICKEY MOUSE 1.100,00
2 refund EARS -2.100,00
3 total 1.000,00-
If the above was uncritically printed with a proportional spaced font we would experience
the result displayed below on the left, due to varying width of characters in the font.
If we made a tabulator that defined column 16 to 25 of line 1 to 3 to be printed with
numeric adjustment, we would get the result displayed to the right. Notice that the minus
is compensated for in the right alignment.
Proportional font without tabulator Proportional font with a numerical adjusted
refund EARS -2.100,00
total 1.000,00-
refund EARS -2.100,00
total 1.000,00-
9=REMAP WINDOW (re-mapping text areas)
Definition of a Remap Window gives you the possibility of taking a particular part of a
given text line and print it elsewhere on the page, e.g. with rotation and another font.
A maximum of 300 Remap Window lines are allowed in one overlay. Additional remap
window lines are ignored. If this limitation is a problem you should use 'If..Then' lines
instead to create overlays, that are more efficient and easier to maintain. Contact your
local InterForm400 dealer to get more information of how to do that if in doubt.