User’s Manual for InterForm400® 153
Control commands (CR, LF, FF) in SAP spool entries are formatted as text and not as hex
values. For instance is 0Dh0Ch formatted as F0hC4hF0hC3h. SAP generated spool entries
has no meaningful attributes like page length/width. Instead the formtype indicates the format
(eg. DINA4 or 51X132). InterForm400
does not use this information as the page size
definition is controlled by the overlay.
The source code for the program is placed in the file SAPSRC in the APF3812 library, as
there might be other flavours of SAP print (*IBMSCS), which has not yet been considered,
and which a programmer may need to adjust to.
SAP spool entries (datatype *IBMSCS2)
The latest releases of SAP software is creating spool file format with datatype *IBMSCS2,
which is the same as *SCS and can by used directly in InterForm400
Generating multiple copies in input spool entries.
When defining a finishing definition for which you want to use an overlay containing Copy
Management, you will need to enter an overlay containing the number of copies in the Pre-
process definition for the Finishing definition. Alternatively the program APF3812/PRSCOPY
delivered with InterForm400
can be used to create a new SCS spool entry with multiple
copies of selected pages, from an input spool entry with data type *SCS. The program can be
used with AFC function 8=Call Program.
The input spool entry should have a number from 1-9 placed in position 1 line 1, which
PRSCOPY takes as information on how many copies to generate. The copies will be placed
immediately after the original in the new spool entry. Page one of the copies (the original) will
have a “C” placed in position 1 line 1. This field can be used for selecting specific forms using
the “Overlay Selector”. Pages with a blank or characters other than 1-9 in position 1 line 1 will
be copied to the resulting spool entry as they are.
The resulting spool entry can be recognised by the characters “PRS”, which has been added
as the last 3 characters of the formtype. If the original form type name used all available
characters, the last 3 characters of the form type will be replaced with “PRS”.
A simular function can be obtained by using Copy Management and stating *VAR as the
number of copies. Refer to page 53 for more information.