
4: Configuration Using XML
EDS-MD Command Reference 19
The same guidelines above regarding importing configurations also apply to exporting
configurations. If no groups are specified, then the export command will export all configuration
settings to the file. If instances are specified after the groups, only those group instances are
written. If no instance is specified, all instances of that group are written.
The following example exports only the accept mode tunneling settings for line 1 to the file
"tunnel_1.xcr" on the device server filesystem:
xcr export tunnel_1.xcr "tunnel accept:1"
The following example exports only the connect mode tunneling settings for all ports to the file
"tunnel_all.xcr" on the device server filesystem:
xcr export tunnel_all.xcr "tunnel connect"
The following example imports only the settings for line 2 from a XCR named "factory_config.xcr"
on the device server filesystem. If "factory_config.xcr" has other configuration settings, they are
xcr import factory_config.xcr "line:2"
The following example imports only line settings for all ports from a configuration record on the
device server filesystem named "foobar.xcr":
xcr import foobar.xcr "line"
To import only disconnect mode tunneling settings for port 1 and serial line settings for port 2 from
an XML configuration record named "production.xcr" that contains these settings (and possibly
more), issue the following command:
xcr import production.xcr "tunnel disconnect:1, line:2"
The following example imports all tunneling settings and line settings for all serial ports from a file
named xcr_file:
xcr import xcr_file "tunnel accept, tunnel connect, tunnel
disconnect, tunnel modem, tunnel packing, tunnel serial, tunnel
start, tunnel stop, line"
The following example exports only accept mode tunneling settings on serial port 1, and line
settings on serial port 2 to a file named tunnel_config_t1_l2.xcr on the device server filesystem.
xcr export tunnel_config_t1_l2.xcr "tunnel accept:1, line:2"
The following example exports connect mode tunneling and line settings for all ports to the file
tunnel_config.xcr on the device server filesystem:
xcr export tunnel_config.xcr "tunnel, line"