Chapter 5: Connecting To A LAN With 802.11
Config Tab
78 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual
5.4.2 Config Tab
The Config tab allows you to define radio and security settings that are stored in the
registry as part of the configuration profile or config.
The config you create and save is listed in the Active Config dropdown menu in the
Main tab. You can define up to 20 configs.
• Config: Used to choose the config to be viewed or edited. If ThirdParty-
Config is chosen, after the WORKABOUT PRO goes through a power
cycle, WZC is used for configuration of the radio.
• Rename: Allows you to assign a config name.
• Delete: Deletes the config unless it is currently active.
• New: Allows you to create a new config with default settings and assign it
a name.
• Commit: Saves all changes.
• Radio Attributes: Lists radio attributes. These attributes can be individu-
ally chosen from this menu. When an attribute is chosen, an associated
list of options is displayed where you can assign new settings or view
existing settings.