
Chapter 6: Settings
Decoded (HHP)
162 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual
ISBT Concatenation
These codes are not concatenated by default. You need to set this parameter to on to
send concatenated code.
Minimum And Maximum Length
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable
characters), including check digit(s). Double-tapping on these parameters displays a
screen in which you can set the minimum and maximum allowable code lengths – 0
to 80.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 148 for details. EAN 13 Settings
Set this parameter to on to enable “EAN 13”.
Check Digit
If you enable this parameter, a check digit is included with the decoded bar
code data.
Addendum Add-on 2 And Addendum Add-on 5
An addendum is a separate bar code, supplementary to the main bar code.
Enabling these parameters defines the length of the addendum bar code to either 2
or 5 characters.
Addendum Required
When this parameter is set to on, the scanner does not accept the main bar code
without an addendum.
Addendum Separator
“Addendum Separator” is a space that is added between the EAN 13 bar code and
the Add-on code/Addenda. When this parameter is set to on
, the scanner does not
accept the main bar code without an addendum.