Chapter 6: Settings
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
142 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual
6.25.1 Decoded (Internal) Scanners Options — Decoded (Internal) Scanner
Dot Time (msec)
The value selected for “Dot Time (msec)” determines (in milliseconds) how long
the targeting dot remains on before the scanner switches to a normal scan sweep.
When you double-tap on this parameter, a dialog box is displayed in which you can
enter a value of 0 msec, 200 msec or 400 msec. A value of 0 (zero) disables the
target dot.
Aim Duration
This parameter determines the total time the aiming pattern appears before the
scanner laser begins sweeping. When you double-tap on this parameter, a dialog box
is displayed in which you can enter a value from 0 to 30 (0 to 3 sec.). A value of 0
(zero) disables the aiming-dot.
Laser On Time
The value assigned to this parameter determines how long the laser will remain on
when the scan button or trigger is pressed.
Double-tapping on this parameter displays a dialog box in which you can enter a
value between 5 and 99, each number representing 0.1 seconds.