Chapter 6: Settings
SMS Menu
254 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual
is sorted with the most recently received message first. The list can be sorted by
any other column by clicking on the corresponding column heading.
Clicking the same column heading twice reverses the sort order. Pressing any
letter or digit moves the highlight to the next message whose address begins with
that letter or number.
Note: The date and time formats can be changed through the Regional Settings
in the Control Panel. For a new date or time format to take effect, the
Inbox has to be closed and re-opened.
The Open button opens the selected message in a new window such that the entire
message can be read including the original formatting (line breaks are replaced by
spaces in the Inbox message list). Pressing the Reply button opens the new
message dialog as described above, except the destination phone number is
already filled in. Pressing the Delete button erases the message. Outbox
Tapping on Outbox opens a list of sent messages. Otherwise the Outbox behaves
exactly as the Inbox described above. The date and time when a message was sent is
not available for GSM modems.