
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual IX
EAP Credentials 82
EAP Types 80, 81
Global Settings Tab 83
IP, assigning 73
Main Tab 74, 77
security 80
Status Tab 85
ThirdPartyConfig 82
Windows Zero Config (WZC) 82
WLAN, connecting to 73
SD/MMC Card, inserting 41
Search (find) 282
Security Level 153
Server Settings (modem setup) 231
Set Length L1 146
Set Length L2 146
Settings 65, 101
App Launch 101
Buttons 103
Personal Tab 101
App Launch icon 101
Buttons icon 103
One Shot tab 104
Up_Down tab 103
SE 955 scanner specs 332
shift-state indicator (softkey bar) 63
shift-state indicator, accessing 63
shift-state indicator icon 32
shutting down programs 134
single battery charger (WA3001) 312
Sled See vehicle cradle. 321
softkey (softkey bar) 62
softkey bar
shift-state indicator 63
softkey 62
soft keyboard icon 63
softkeys 62
soft keyboard (onscreen) 67
soft keyboard icon (softkey bar) 63
softkeys (softkey bar) 62
Soft Scan Timeout 207
Sound, setting events 119
Sound settings 119
SE 955 scanner 332
802.11g 331
Start/Stop Transmit 166, 182, 188
Start button 48
Start Menu 57
customizing 118
Stop Bits 230
Storage Card tab 133
Strip Leading 148, 150
Strip Start/Stop Chars 160
Strip Trailing 148, 150
stylus (touch pen), using 47
Suffix 145
Suffix Char 148, 150
Summit Client Utility (SCU) 73
Supp. Redundancy (Code 128) 152
Supplementals (UPC-EAN) 152
Suspend Threshold tab 137
swap time (for battery) 27
swivel belt loop (carrying case) 302
target dot, duration of 142
completed (marking as) 53
creating 52
deleting 53
editing 52
notification 52
sorting 53
TCP_IP Settings (modem setup) 230
Telepen 170, 193
Terminal 230
Terminal Services Client 287
moving around 288
session, disconnecting (without
ending) 289
session, ending 289
tether cable 319
tether port pinout B-3
Block Recognizer 69
entering 66
Letter Recognizer 70
soft keyboard entry 67
transcriber, using 67
title bar (navigation bar) 48
TLC-39 173
Today’s Screen (desktop screen) 47
appearance of 120
Items (to appear in screen) 120
Total Recall 213
backup profile, creating 214