Chapter 6: Settings
App Launch Keys
102 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual
To assign an application key:
• Tap the Add button.
• Press the key you want to use to launch an application. (If an unsupported
key is pressed, a message appears on this screen letting you know.)
The cursor moves to the App field and a new screen is displayed where you can
choose the application to which you want to assign the application key. If you need
to, you can Browse through the information in your hand-held until you locate the
application you want to launch.
• Once you’ve selected the file you want to map, tap on OK.
The cursor moves to the Data field. You can use this field if you need to define
special parameters to your application launch key. If you don’t want to assign any
parameters, you can leave the Data field blank. If, for example, you want to assign
an application launch key to launch the Word Mobile application, you can leave this
field blank. If you want to assign an application launch key that will open a specific