Chapter 6: Settings
Decoded (HHP)
160 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual
Minimum Cancel Time
The value assigned to this parameter determines the time delay before the scanner is
turned off, once the scanner trigger or button is released. This gives the scanner a
minimum amount of time to complete its current decode before the scan is cancelled
when the user quickly triggers on/off.
Low Power Timeout
To extend laser life, you can select the length of time the scanner remains active
following a successful decode. The scanner wakes from low power mode when a
bar code is scanned – a successful decode restores normal blinking.
When you double-tap on this parameter, a dialog box is displayed in which you can
choose a value of 30 sec, 1 min, 2 min or 3 min.
Note: This parameter is only used if the Trigger Mode has been set to Continu-
ous On and the hand-held is mounted in a fixed position; otherwise, ‘Low
Power Timeout’ is not used. Code 39
Setting this parameter to on enables “Code 39”.
Strip Start/Stop Chars
Codabar uses the characters A, B, C, and D as start and stop characters. Thus, the
first and last digits of a Codabar message must be A, B, C, or D, and the body of the
message should not contain these characters. Setting this parameter to on strips the
start and stop characters from this bar code.
Check Char
When this parameter is set to Validate only, the integrity of a “Code 39” symbol is
checked to ensure that it complies with specified algorithms.
If “Check Char” is set to Validate and Transmit, the check character is validated and
transmitted with the data.
Setting this parameter to None disables this function.