Chapter 6: Settings
198 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual
Fast Converge
Note: “Auto Exposure” must be set to ‘on’ in order for this parameter
to function.
Keep in mind that while this parameter can improve imager performance,
“Fast Converge” increases battery power consumption.
Setting this parameter to on speeds the “Auto Exposure” process. It allows the
imager to rapidly snap a number of bar code capture attempts while finding ideal
values for gain, integration and illumination.
Max Gain, Max Integration And Max Illumination
Important: These parameter values should only be changed by qualified
Psion Teklogix personnel.
These parameters represent internal values used by the 2D imager. The “Auto
Exposure” parameter automatically adjusts the “Max Gain”, “Max Integration” and
“Max Illumination” parameters to produce the best bar code read. Keep in mind that
“Auto Exposure” must be set to on in order for these parameter values to be
automatically adjusted.
Double-tapping on any of these parameters displays an associated dialog box in
which an allowable range is displayed: Max Gain – 357 to 7920, Max Integration –
0 to 65535, Max Illumination – 0 to 7.
Decoder Timeout
The decoder is a set of algorithms that examine the image and attempt to find the bar
codes, and then turn the pixels into data that the computer can use—this process
takes time. “Decoder Timeout” limits the amount of time the decoder will spend
attempting to decode an image, and forces it to stop and grab a new image, which
will probably be easier to decode.
Note: When decoding multiple bar codes in one image, the value assigned to
‘Decoder Timeout’ should be increased to 200ms/extra bar code after the first.