A – Command Line Interface
Show Command
59097-02 B A-93
alarm [option]
Displays the alarm log and session display setting. If you omit [option], the
command displays the last 200 alarm entries. The alarm log is cleared when the
switch is reset or power cycled. [option] has the following value:
Displays the status of the parameter that controls the display of alarms in the
session output stream. This parameter is set using the Set Alarm command.
Displays the most recent 200 records in the administrative audit log. The audit log
contains configuration and administrative changes that have been made to the
switch including the originating management session and IP address.
Displays the broadcast tree information and all ports that are currently transmitting
and receiving broadcast frames.
Displays chassis component status and temperature.
cimlistener [listener_name]
Displays CIM indicator services listener information for the listener given by
[listener_name]. If you omit [listener_name], the command displays all listeners.
cimsubscription [subscription_name]
Displays CIM subscription information for the subscription given by
[subscription_name]. If you omit [subscription_name], the command displays all
config [option]
Displays switch, port, and zoning configuration attributes. Refer to the ”Show
Config Command” on page A-107.
Displays list of each domain and its worldwide name in the fabric.
Displays list of current donor configuration for all ports.
Displays list of each domain, symbolic name, worldwide name, node IP address,
and port IP address.