
A – Command Line Interface
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A-96 59097-02 B
InvalidDestAddr Invalid destination address detected.
LIP_AL_PD_ALPS Number of F7, AL_PS LIPs, or AL_PD (vendor specific) resets,
LIP_F7_AL_PS This LIP is used to reinitialize the loop. An L_Port, identified by
AL_PS, may have noticed a performance degradation and is
trying to restore the loop.
LIP_F8_AL_PS This LIP denotes a loop failure detected by the L_Port identified
by AL_PS.
LIP_F7_F7 A loop initialization primitive frame used to acquire a valid
LIP_F8_F7 A loop initialization primitive frame used to indicate that a loop
failure has been detected at the receiver.
Link Failures Number of optical link failures detected by this port. A link failure
is a loss of synchronization or a loss of signal while not in the
offline state. A loss of signal causes the switch to attempt to
re-establish the link. If the link is not re-established, a link failure
is counted. A link reset is performed after a link failure.
Login Number of device logins
Logout Number of device logouts
LoopTimeouts A two (2) second timeout as specified by FC-AL-2.
LossOfSync Number of synchronization losses (>100 ms) detected by this
port. A loss of synchronization is detected by receipt of an
invalid transmission word.
PrimSeqErrors Primitive sequence errors detected.
RxLinkResets Number of link reset primitives received from an attached
RxOfflineSeq Number of offline sequences received. An OLS is issued for link
initialization, a Receive & Recognize Not_Operational (NOS)
state, or to enter the offline state.
TotalErrors Total number of errors detected.
TotalLIPsRecvd Number of loop initialization primitive frames received by this
TotalLIPsXmitd Number of loop initialization primitive frames transmitted by this
Table A-27. Show Port Parameters (Continued)
Entry Description