B – Command Line Interface
Show Command
B-48 59043-01 A
post log
Displays the Power On Self Test (POST) log which contains results from the
setup [option]
Displays setup attributes for the system, SNMP, and the switch manufacturer.
Refer to the ”Show Setup Command” on page B-62.
EportConnects Shows the count of the number of times an
E_Port connected through ISL negotiation.
RxLinkResets Number of link reset primitives received
from an attached device.
RxOfflineSeq Number of offline sequences received. An
OLS is issued for link initialization, a
Receive & Recognize Not_Operational
(NOS) state, or to enter the offline state.
TotalErrors Total number of errors detected.
TotalLIPsRecvd Number of loop initialization primitive
frames received by this port.
TotalLinkResets Total number of link reset primatives.
TotalOfflineSeq Total number of Offline Sequences issued
by this port.
TotalRxFrames Total number of frames received by this
TotalRxWords Total number of words received by this
TotalTxFrames Total number of frames issued by this port.
TotalTxWords Total number of words issued by this port.
TxLinkResets Number of Link Resets issued by this port.
TxOfflineSeq Total number of Offline Sequences issued
by this port.
TxWait Time waiting to transmit when blocked with
no credit. Measured in FC Word times.
Table B-13. Show Port Parameters (Continued)
Entry Description