• 6-channel (HSR-J2009)/16-channel (HSR-J2016) digital hard disk recorders with
built-in multiplexer
• JPEG 2000 compression format provides high compression ratio while
maintaining clear images with minimal block noise
• Region of Interest (ROI) function allows users to record specified areas of
interest in an image with better quality than the rest of the image.
• Large capacity 500 GB HDD (250 GB x 2, ATA/ATAPI-5 standard)
• High-resolution (720 x 240) NTSC/(720 x 288) PAL in field recording mode and
high picture quality recording and playback
• Network capability (built-in 100Base-TX Ethernet interface)
• Real-time live video monitoring from all cameras, each at a frame rate of 30 fps
(NTSC)/25 fps (PAL)
• External RAID unit connectivity
• Alarm recording, timer recording, programmed recording, and activity detection
• Playback during recording
• Two-channel audio recording and playback
• Two data storage areas on HDD (recording area and archive area)
• Camera PTZ control function
• Built-in Compact Flash card slot to copy images on removable media, such as a
CF card or Memory Stick using a CF card adapter
For a list of compatible cameras, please contact your nearest Sony office or authorized Sony
HSR-J2009/HSR-J2009P/HSR-J2016/HSR-J2016P NEW
HSR-J2009/HSR-J2009P Rear Panel
HSR-J2016/HSR-J2016P Rear Panel