Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
PEDGECount is t
he count of positive edges.
PERIod is the time required to complete the fi rst cycle in a waveform or gated
region. Perio
d is the reciprocal of frequency and is measured in seconds.
PHAse measures the phase difference (amount of time a waveform leads or lags
the referen
ce waveform) between two waveforms. The measurement is made
between the middle reference p oints of the two waveforms and is expressed in
degrees, where 360° represents one waveform cycle.
PK2Pk (peak-to-peak) finds the absolute difference between the maximum and
minimum amplitude in the entire waveform or gated region. This measurement is
applicable only to the analog channels.
POVershoot is the positive overshoot value over the entire waveform or gated
region. This measurement is applicable only to the analog channels.
Positive Overshoot = ((Maximum - High) / Amplitude) ×100%
PPULSECount is the count of positive pulses.
(positive width) is the distance (time) between the middle reference
(default = 50%) amplitude points of a positive pulse. The measurement is made
on the first pulse in the waveform or gated region.
RISe timing measurement finds the rise time of the waveform. The rise time is
the time it takes for the leading edge of the first pulse encountered to rise from a
low reference value (default is 10%) to a high reference value (default is 90%).
This measurement is applicable only to the analog c hannels.
RMS amplitude measurement finds the true Root Mean Square voltage in the
entire waveform or gated region. This measurement is applicable only to the
analog channels.
MEASUREMENT:MEAS2:TYPE FREQUENCY defines measurement 2 as a
measurement of the fr
equency of a waveform.
indicating that m ea
surement 1 is defined to measure the RMS value of a waveform.
MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:UNIts? (Query Only)
Returns the units associated with the specified measurement. The measurement
slots are specified by <x>, which ranges from 1 through 4.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-225