Command Groups
Commands Description
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:DATa:SO Urce Sets or returns the data source waveform for
the AUDIO bus
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:DISplay:FORMat Sets or returns the display format for the
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:FRAME:SIZe Sets or returns the number of channels in
each frame for the AUDIO bus
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:FRAMESync:POLarity Sets or returns the frame sync polarity for
the AUDIO bus
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:FRAMESync:SOUrce Sets or returns the frame sync source
waveform for the AUDIO bus
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:TYPe Sets or returns the audio format (type) for
the AUDIO bus
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:WORDSel:POLarity Sets or returns the word select polarity for
the AUDIO bus
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:WORDSel:SOUrce Sets or returns the word select source
waveform for the AUDIO bus
BUS:B<x>:CAN:BIT Rate Sets or returns the bit rate for the CAN bus
BUS:B<x>:CAN:PRObe Sets or returns the probing method used to
probe the CAN bus
BUS:B<x>:CAN:SAMPLEpoint Sets or returns the sample point (in %) to
sample during each bit period
BUS:B<x>:CAN:SOUrce Sets or returns the CAN data source
BUS:B<x>:DISplay:FOR MAt Sets the display format for the numerical
information in the specified bus waveform
BUS:B<x>:DISplay:TYPe Sets the display type for the specified bus
BUS:B<x>:FLEXray:BITRate Sets or returns the bit rate for FLEXRAY
BUS:B<x>:FLEXray:CHannel Sets or returns the FLEXRAY ID format
BUS:B<x>:FLEXray:SIGnal Sets or returns the FLEXRAY standard
BUS:B<x>:FLEXray:SOUrce Sets or returns the FLEXRAY data source
BUS:B<x>:I2C:ADDRess:RWINClude Sets and returns whether the read/write bit is
included in the address
BUS:B<x>:I2C{:CLOCK|:SCLK}:SOUrce Sets or returns the I2C SCLK source
BUS:B<x>:I2C{:DATA|:SDATA}:SOUrce Sets or returns the I2C SDATA source
BUS:B<x>:LABel Sets or returns the waveform label for the
specified bus
BUS:B<x>:LIN:BITRate Sets or returns the bit rate for LIN
BUS:B<x>:LIN:ID FORmat Sets or returns the LIN ID format
BUS:B<x>:LIN:PO LAR ity Sets or returns the LIN polarity
BUS:B<x>:LIN:SAMPLEpoint Sets or returns the sample point (in %) at
which to sample during each bit period
2-14 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual