Command Groups
Math Command G
Use the commands in the Math Command Group to create and define a math
waveform. Use the available math functions to define your math waveform.
The math waveform you create depends on sources listed in the math expression.
If you change these sources, the math waveform you previously defined will be
Math expressions can be simple, containing no mathematical computation, such
as CH1, whi
ch specifies that a waveform shows the signal source of Channel 1.
Math expressions can also be complex, consisting of up to 128 characters and
comprising many sources, functions, and operands.
When a live waveform is updated or a reference waveform is altered, math
waveforms containing those waveforms as sources are also updated to reflect the
changes. Remember that sources must exist, but do not need to be displayed, to be
used in and to update math waveforms.
Table 2-24: Math Commands
MATH[1]? Returns the definition of the math waveform
Sets or returns the current math function as
MATH[1]:HORizontal:SCAle Sets or returns the math horizontal display
scale for FFT or for Dual M a th waveforms
MATH[1]:HORizontal:UNIts Returns the math waveform horizontal unit
{MATH|MATH1}:LABel Sets or queries the waveform label for the
math waveform
MATH[1]:SPECTral:MAG Sets or returns the units of spectral
magnification in the math string
MATH[1]:SPECTral:WINdow Sets or returns the window function for math
waveform spectral input data
MATH[1]:VERTical:POSition Sets or returns the vertical position of the
currently selected math type
MATH[1]:VERTical:SCAle Sets or returns the vertical scale of the
currently selected math type
Returns the math waveform vertical units
MATH[1]:HORizontal:POSition Sets or returns the math horizontal display
position for FFT or ( non-live) math reference
Sets or returns the math waveform mode
2-26 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual