Command Groups
Table 2-19: Ethernet Commands (cont.)
ETHERnet:GATEWay:IPADDress Sets or returns the remote interface gateway
IP address
Sets or returns the remote interface HTTP
port value
Sets or returns the IP address assigned to
the oscilloscope
Sets or returns the network name assigned
to the oscilloscope
ETHERnet:PASSWord Setsor returnsthe Ethernetaccess password
ETHERnet:PING Causes the oscilloscope to ping the gateway
IP address
ETHERnet:PING:STATUS? Returns the results from pinging the gateway
IP address
ETHERnet:SUBNETMask Sets or returns the remote interface subnet
mask value
File System Command Group
Use the commands in the File System Command Group to help you use
CompactFlash and USB m edia. You can use the commands to do the following:
List the contents of a directory
Create and delete directories
Create, read, rename, or delete a file
ormat media
When using these commands, keep the following points in mind:
File arguments are always enclosed within double quotes:
File names follow the non-case sensitive, MSDOS format:
Path separators may be either forwardslashes(/)orbackslashes(\)
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-21