Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
E? (Query Only)
Returns the time when the oscilloscope setup was saved for the specified channel
Save and Recall
SETUP2:TIME? might return “SETUP2:TIME: 15:24:07 which is the setup
time for channel 2.
The *SRE (Service Request Enable) command sets o r returns the bits in the
Service Request Ena ble Register. For information, refer to Registers.
Status and Error
*SRE <N R1>
Related Commands
*CLS, DESE, *ESE, *ESR?, EVENT?, EVMsg?, FACtory, *STB?
<NR1> is a value in the range from 0 through 255. The binary bits of the SRER
are set according to this value. Using an out-of-range value causes an execution
error. The power-on default for SRER is 0 if *PSC is 1. If *PSC is 0, the SRER
maintains the previous power cycle value through the current power cycle.
*SRE 48 sets the bits in the SRER to binary 00110000.
*SRE? might return 32, showing that the bits in the SRER have the binary value
of 00100000.
*STB? (Query Only)
*STB? (Read Status Byte) returns the contents of the Status Byte Register (SBR)
using the Master Summary Status (MSS) bit. For information, refer to Registers.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-389