Command Groups
Table 2-28: Power Commands (cont.)
Command Description
Returns the maximum total power switching
loss calculation
Returns the mean total power switching loss
Returns the minimum total power switching
loss calculation
POWer:SWLoss:VCEsat Sets or returns VCESAT value for use
in switching loss calculations when the
conduction calculation method is VCESAT
POWer:TYPe Sets or returns the power application
measurement type
POWer:VOLTAGESOurce Sets or returns the voltage source for the
power application
Save and Recall Command Group
UsethecommandsintheSaveandRecallCommand Group to store and retrieve
waveforms and settings. When you save a setup, you save all the settings of the
oscilloscope. When you recall a setup, the oscilloscope restores itself to the state
it wa
s in when you originally saved the setting.
Table 2-29: Save and Recall Commands
FACtory Resets the oscilloscope to factory default
Recalls saved oscilloscope settings
Recalls saved oscilloscope settings
RECAll:WAVEform Recalls a stored waveform to a reference
*SAV Stores the state of the oscilloscope to a
specified memory location
SAVe:ASSIgn:TYPe Sets or returns the a ssignment of the save
SAVe:EVENTtable:BUS<x> Saves event table data from bus<x> to a
specified file
SAVe:IMAGe Saves a capture of the screen image to the
specified file
2-40 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual