Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Id? (Query Only)
Returns a string describing several aspects of the acquisition parameters for the
waveform specified by the DATa:SOUrce command. The query command will
time out and a
n error will be generated if the waveform specified by DATa:SOUrce
is not turned on.
Waveform Transfer
Related Commands
<QString> comprises the following comma-separated fields do cumented in
the tables below:
Table 2-44: Waveform Suffixes
Field Description Examples
Source The source identification string as it appears in
the front-panel scale factor readouts.
Coupling A string describing the vertical coupling of the
waveform (the Source1 w aveform in the case of
Dual Waveform Math).
“AC coupling”
“DC couplng”
“GND coupling”
Vert Scale A string containing the vertical scale factor of
the unzoomed waveform. The numeric portion
will always be four digits. The examples cover
all known internal units.
“100.0 mV/div”
“20.00 dB/div”
“45.00 deg/div”
“785.4 mrad/div”
“500.0 μVs/div”
“10.00 kV/s/div”
“200.0 mV/div”
“50.00 unk/div”
Horiz Scale A string containing the horizontal scale factor o f
the unzoomed waveform. The numeric portion
will always be four digits. The examples cover
all known internal units.
“100 ms/div”
“10.00 kHz/div”
Record Length
A string containing the number of waveform
points available in the entire record. The
numeric portion is given as an integer.
“1000 points”
“1000000 points”
Acquisition Mode A string describing the mode used to acquire
the waveform.
“Sample mode”
“Pk Detect mode”
“Envelope mode”
“Average mode”
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-493