Status and Events
Event Queue
The Event Queue
storesdetailedinformationonupto33events. Ifthan32
events stack up in the Event Queue, the 32nd event is replaced by event code
350, "Queue Overflow."
Read the Event Queue with the EVENT? query (which returns only the event
number), with the EVMSG? query (which returns the event number and a text
description of the event), or with the ALLEV? query (which returns all the e vent
numbers along with a description of the event). Reading an event removes it
from the queue.
Before reading an event from the Event Queue, you must use the *ESR? query to
read the summary of the event from the SESR. This makes the events summarized
by the *ES
R? read available to the EVENT? and EVMSG? queries, and empties
the SESR.
the SESR erases any events that were summarized by previous * ESR?
reads but not read from the Event Queue. Events that follow an *ESR? read are
put in the Event Queue but are not available until *ESR? is used again.
Event Handling Sequence
The figure below shows how to use the status and e vent handling system. In the
explanation that follows, numbers in parentheses refer to numbers in the figure.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 3-5