See Also
clear ap on page 70
clear port type on page 74
set ap radio antennatype on page 383
set ap on page 87
set port type wired-auth on page 100
set system countrycode on page 61
set port type
Configures a WX switch port for a wired authentication user.
Before changing the port type from ap to wired-auth or from
wired-auth to ap, you must reset the port with the clear port type
Syntax —
set port type wired-auth port-list [tag tag-list]
[max-sessions num] [auth-fall-thru {last-resort | none |
port-list — List of physical ports.
tag-list — One or more numbers between 1 and 4094 that
subdivide a wired authentication port into virtual ports.
num — Maximum number of simultaneous user sessions supported.
last-resort — Automatically authenticates the user, without
requiring a username and password.
none — Denies authentication and prohibits the user from accessing
the network over this port.
web-portal — Serves the user a web page from the WX switch’s
nonvolatile storage for secure login to the network.
Defaults — The default tag-list is null (no tag values). The default
number of sessions is 1. The default fallthru authentication type is none.
Access — Enabled.
History—Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Option for WebAAA fallthru
authentication type changed from web-auth to web-portal in MSS
Version 4.0.