Usage — WLAN mesh services can be used in a wireless bridge
implementing MAPs as bridge endpoints in a transparent
Layer 2 bridge. A typical application of wireless bridging is to provide
network connectivity between two buildings using a wireless link.
A Mesh Portal AP serving as a bridge endpoint can support up to five
Mesh APs serving as bridge endpoints. A Mesh AP serving as a bridge
endpoint picks up packets from its wired port and transfers them to the
other bridge endpoint. A simple source/destination learning mechanism is
used in order to avoid forwarding packets across the bridge unnecessarily.
When wireless bridging is enabled for a service profile, the MAPs with the
applied service profile serve as bridge peers. When a Mesh AP associates
with a Mesh Portal AP through this service profile, the Mesh Portal AP
automatically configures the Mesh AP to operate in bridge mode.
Examples — The following command enables wireless bridging on
service profile
WX# set service-profile sp1 bridging enable
success: change accepted.
See Also
display ap mesh-links on page 329
set ap boot-configuration mesh ssid on page 373
set service-profile mesh on page 450
set service-profile
Configures the Call Admission Control (CAC) mode.
Syntax —
set service-profile name cac-mode {none | session}
name — Service profile name.
none — CAC is not used.
session — CAC is based on the number of active sessions.
Defaults — The default CAC mode is none.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 4.2.