set spantree 501
See Also
set spantree uplinkfast on page 510
set spantree Enables or disables STP on one VLAN or all VLANs configured on a WX
Syntax —
set spantree {enable | disable }
[{all | vlan vlan-id | port port-list vlan-id}]
enable — Enables STP.
disable — Disables STP.
all — Enables or disables STP on all VLANs.
vlan vlan-id — VLAN name or number. MSS enables or disables STP
on only the specified VLAN, on all ports within the VLAN.
port port-list vlan-id — Port number or list and the VLAN the
ports are in. MSS enables or disables STP on only the specified ports,
within the specified VLAN.
Defaults — Disabled.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — The following command enables STP on all VLANs
configured on a WX switch:
WX4400# set spantree enable
success: change accepted.
The following command disables STP on VLAN burgundy:
WX4400# set spantree disable vlan burgundy
success: change accepted.
Table 78 Output for display spantree uplinkfast
Field Description
VLAN VLAN number.
port list Ports in the uplink group. The port that is forwarding
traffic is indicated by fwd. The other ports are blocking