set spantree portcost 505
set spantree
Changes the cost that transmission through a network port or ports in
the default VLAN on a wireless LAN switch adds to the total cost of a
path to the STP root bridge.
Syntax —
set spantree portcost port-list cost cost
port-list — List of ports. MSS applies the cost change to all the
specified ports.
cost cost — Numeric value. You can specify a value from 1 through
65,535. STP selects lower-cost paths over higher-cost paths.
Defaults — The default port cost depends on the port speed and link
type. Table 79 lists the defaults for STP port path cost.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — This command applies only to the default VLAN (VLAN 1). To
change the cost of a port in another VLAN, use the set spantree
portvlancost command.
Examples — The following command changes the cost on ports 3 and 4
to 20:
WX1200# set spantree portcost 3,4 cost 20
success: change accepted.
Table 79 SNMP Port Path Cost Defaults
Port Speed Link Type Default Port Path Cost
1000 Mbps Full Duplex Aggregate
Link (Port Group)
1000 Mbps Full Duplex 4
100 Mbps Full Duplex Aggregate
Link (Port Group)
100 Mbps Full Duplex 18
100 Mbps Half Duplex 19
10 Mbps Full Duplex Aggregate
Link (Port Group)
10 Mbps Full Duplex 95
10 Mbps Half Duplex 100