set boot partition Specifies the boot partition in which to look for the system image file
following the next system reset, software reload, or power cycle.
Syntax —
set boot partition {boot0 | boot1}
boot0 — Boot partition 0.
boot1 — Boot partition 1.
Defaults — By default, an WX switch uses the same boot partition for
the next software reload that was used to boot the currently running
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — To determine the boot partition that was used to load the
currently running software image, use the dir command.
Examples — The following command sets the boot partition for the next
software reload to partition 1:
WX4400# set boot partition boot1
success: Boot partition set to boot1.
See Also
copy on page 667
dir on page 670
reset system on page 683
uninstall soda
Removes the contents of a directory containing SODA agent files.
Syntax —
uninstall soda agent agent-directory directory
directory — Directory on the WX switch where soda agent files are
to be removed.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — MSS Version 4.2.