Examples — The following example shows the permitted vendor list on
WX switch:
WX1200# display rfdetect vendor-list
Total number of entries: 1
OUI Type
----------------- ------
aa:bb:cc:00:00:00 client
11:22:33:00:00:00 ap
See Also
clear rfdetect vendor-list on page 633
set rfdetect vendor-list on page 660
display rfdetect
Displays the BSSIDs discovered by a specific 3Com radio. The data
includes BSSIDs transmitted by other 3Com radios as well as by
third-party access points.
Syntax —
display rfdetect visible mac-addr
Syntax — display rfdetect visible ap mp-num [radio {1 | 2}]
mac-addr — Base MAC address of the 3Com radio.
Note: To display the base MAC address of a 3Com radio, use the
display ap status command.
map-num — Port connected to the MAP access point for which to
display neighboring BSSIDs.
dap-num — Number of a Distributed MAP for which to display
neighboring BSSIDs.
radio 1 — Shows neighbor information for radio 1.
radio 2 — Shows neighbor information for radio 2. (This option does
not apply to single-radio models.)
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.