clear user group Removes a user with a password from membership in a user group in the
local database on the WX.
(To remove a user from a user group in RADIUS, see the documentation
for your RADIUS server.)
Syntax —
clear user username group
username — Username of a user with a password.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — Removing the user from the group removes the group name
from the user profile, but does not delete either the user or the user
group from the local WX database. To remove the group, use clear
Examples — The following command removes the user Nin from a user
WX4400# clear user Nin group
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear usergroup on page 227
display aaa on page 229
set user group on page 275
clear user lockout Restores access to a user who has been locked out of the system due to
an expired
password or exceeding the maximum number of failed
login attempts.
Syntax — clear user username lockout
— None.
Access — Enabled.