display rfdetect data 643
See Also
display rfdetect mobility-domain on page 644
display rfdetect visible on page 650
Table 106 display rfdetect data Output
Field Description
BSSID BSSID detected by a MAP radio on this WX switch.
Vendor Company that manufactures or sells the rogue device.
Type Classification of the rogue device:
rogue—Wireless device that is not supposed to be on the
network. The device has an entry in a WX switch’s FDB
and is therefore on the network.
intfr—Wireless device that is not part of your network but
is not a rogue. The device does not have an entry in a WX
switch’s FDB and is not actually on the network, but
might be causing RF interference with MAP radios.
known—Device that is a legitimate member of the
Port/Radio/Channel Port number, radio number, and channel number of the
radio that detected the rogue.
Flags Classification and encryption information for the rogue:
The i, a, or u flag indicates the classification.
The other flags indicate the encryption used by the rogue.
For flag definitions, see the key in the command output.
RSSI Received signal strength indication (RSSI) — the strength of
the RF signal detected by the MAP radio, in decibels referred
to 1 milliwatt (dBm).
Age Age of the rogue listing, in seconds. Rogues age out of the
rogue list after one minute.
SSID Service set identifier (SSID) associated with the BSSID.